Be patient is a word we often hear and say. The word is so light and easy to call and feels good at hearing. However, it is quite difficult to make it happen. The whole point is to do good deeds for God alone. One hundred percent for God, LILLAAH, not ninety-nine point nine percent. Really one hundred percent for God, pure for God and for God without any other. Not contaminated by other intentions even if only zero point one percent or less. Oh how hard.
We will never know the degree of sincerity of ourselves, how can we judge the sincerity of others?
No one knows about the sincerity of others because of his place in the heart and no one knows it except God.
We are commanded to improve ourselves and our intentions and not to discuss the intentions and hearts of others. The person who claims to have committed sincerity means he is not sincere and his sincerity needs to be explained again. Charity which is not based on sincerity or being sincere but contaminated by other intentions is a vain charity by Allah and does not mean the slightest, even the perpetrators will get punishment from it. Oh how harmful.
The one who has spent his wealth, energy, thoughts, time and others will be useless if not pure sincerity, even he will get punishment and regret.
Among the terms of the receipt of the charity is sincere. The lesson about sincerity and intention is a mandatory lesson. May we all know it and be able to realize it in truth so that our charity is accepted by God and not in vain, aamiin.
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