Jumat, 30 Juni 2017


           What we experience for the sake of friends is sometimes exhausting and annoying, but that is what makes friendship beautiful. Friendship often presents some trials, but true friendship can overcome the trials even grow together. Friendship is not automatic but requires A long process like iron sharpens iron, so friends sharpen their friends. Friendship is colored with various experiences of joy and sorrow, consoled-hurt, cared-let down, overheard-ignored, assisted-rejected, but these are never intentionally done for the purpose of hatred 
A friend will not hide his mistake to avoid a dispute, precisely because of his love he ventured to rebuke what it is, 
Companions never wrap a blow with a kiss, but declare what is very painful with the goal of his friend will change 
Process of friends become friends But not when we need help, we have the motivation to seek attention, help and affection from others, but instead take the initiative to give and realize what is needed by his friend.
His longing is to be part of his friend's life, Because there is no friendship that begins with an egoistic attitude.
Everyone will need a true friend, but not everyone gets it. There are also many who have enjoyed the beauty of friendship, yet others are so devastated by the betrayal of his friend.
But this destroyer of friendship has been broken off by the best-trained friends of his motivation. Having a true friend is worth more than a thousand selfish friends. In the heyday, friends know us. In misery, we know our friends. Remember the last time you were in trouble. Who is beside you?. Who loves you when you feel unloved?
Who wants to be with you when there is nothing you can give?  They are your friends.  Respect and always keep your friendship with them. Because a friend can be closer than you yourself.

The importance of hijab

For a woman has an obligation to maintain the honor and dignity of each other so that other people, especially the men are reluctant to him. In maintaining the honor and price for a woman there must be a struggle because it has a tremendous obstacle big not only from within even external factors and the environment and friends are very big influence on our own. One way to keep the honor and pricing for every woman is always cover her naked wherever and wherever located. The use of hijab is a step to always keep and cover aurat for Muslim women who must be in accordance with the rules and rules that have been set either in al qur'an or as sunnah.
In fact, most cases that occur today such as crime, kidnapping, murder and until the rape of women has occurred and become one of the factors women always indulgence aurat to the non-muhrimnya. Hence covering up this aurat should be done not only obligations for Muslim women but to keep from all things that are not desirable.
Currently clothing that can be used to cover the genitals are very much a choice whether it is a modern or a simple model though. With a variety of models and great designs you can choose clothes that match you and your own character. Even Muslim clothes today are very adjust to the current era so it still looks fashionable and not old school. So lets start to wearing hijab.

The importance of preserving culture

The national culture that should be the pride and should be preserved now begins to disappear due to the entry of foreign culture (modern). We as citizens of Indonesia who have full rights over the culture should preserve it instead of putting it aside with a variety of reasons such as fear of being outdated, feared not updated, tacky, and so forth.
When viewed through a global aspect, globalization becomes a challenge for all aspects of life as well as culture-related. Traditional cultures reflecting an unfavorable work ethic will not survive in a global era. The global era demands our readiness to readily change the changing times and be able to take every opportunity. Traditional culture in Indonesia is actually more creative and not imitative, which becomes a problem is to maintain the identity of the nation. As a simple example, the culture of "gotong royong" in Indonesia is now almost eroded, individual and do not want to know with others is a reflection that seems today. It is important to think that our culture can still reflect the nation's personality. Traditional culture is a noble heritage.
In the era of globalization, traditional culture began to erode. People, youngsters prefer to spend their time accessing the Internet rather than learning dance from their own culture. People will be proud when they can imitate Western-style dress and think of its ancient and outdated culture. Globalization will always provide change, we must examine whether these cultures are positive or negatife.


In Indonesia we know tolerance. Rarely sound tolerance. In fact, the English word toleration and to tolerate are usually translated respectively tolerant and tolerant. This is not so precise. There is quite an important difference between the two.
The meaning of tolerance can be understood from the two elements it contains. First, there is a thing or action that is not approved. Second, the attitude of allowing things or actions that are not approved it. A person is said to be correlated if when he is dealing with, for example, opinions, religious teachings, or different habits, he does nothing to eliminate, ban, or annoy him.
If he only allows the thing or action he approves, his name is not tolerated. And if he beats or throws stones at people or possessions of people who have or do something they oppose, that is clearly not toleration. Tolerance, tolerance, contains a third element: the will of the heart to tolerate and the ability to realize that will. This third element is important because it reflects the world view, the point of view, or the ideal life attitude that is in accordance with the plurality of society, culture, religion, race, ideology, etc. on the earth today.

Toleration can occur without tolerance. For example, in the New Order era, there was a lot of tolerance. However, it happens mainly because of two things. First, the state imposed it. People do not interfere with other people who do not agree or live differently for fear that the state will catch them. Secondly, the state is covering up and banning every word and action that is supposed to trigger antitolation. People do not know and, therefore, do not think about it.
Now the Indonesian state no longer frighten the people. However, when antiterolation violence has occurred lately, many state officials are still trying to hide their heads in the sand by repeating the "It's pure criminal" mantra instead of trying to build a tolerant attitude with real, open, intelligent, And wise. Tolerance is often equated with grace. However, this is not appropriate because elements of grace mean are opposite to tolerance. Just like tolerance, grace contains elements of things or actions that are not approved. However, grace is not the attitude of willingness to bear the difference, but rather forcing the unapproved is removed, replaced with the approved. And the will of the heart is not so that everyone can live peacefully in a different way, but to force others to live in the same way.
Tolerance is a humble being: others are just as good as mine. Grace is a form of high-heartedness: everyone has to come with me the best and the perfect one. Tolerance is roomy and loving. Grace is petty and hateful. Others do not. 


Basically, the act of riya 'that is based on his intention in doing the deed worship that is addressed to other than Allah SWT. Because of intentions, others will not know that what it does is its purpose is to be praised. Therefore, it's good to recognize some things that mostly thought riya 'and shirk, but not. Riya 'is now so rampant. Although each person has a different level, the goal is to get the human praise and not be sincere. Riya 'is dangerous because it is one of the diseases of the heart that makes a person in the class of hypocrites.
Riya 'can happen to anyone even including the believer who is pious and shalehah though. In a hadith from Abu Hurairah RA, and narrated by Imam Muslim, Rasulullah SAW reported that the first group to be martyred was martyred, studying and teaching science, and giving charity.
Allah will throw all three into the fire of hell because the deeds of worship they do not with the intention to Allah SWT. Word of Allah SWT which means;
"And when they (the hypocrites) stand in prayer, they stand in laziness and riya 'before men and they do not remember Allah except very little." (Q. S. An Nisa verse 142).

Sincerely solve the problem!

Be patient is a word we often hear and say. The word is so light and easy to call and feels good at hearing. However, it is quite difficult to make it happen. The whole point is to do good deeds for God alone. One hundred percent for God, LILLAAH, not ninety-nine point nine percent. Really one hundred percent for God, pure for God and for God without any other. Not contaminated by other intentions even if only zero point one percent or less. Oh how hard.
We will never know the degree of sincerity of ourselves, how can we judge the sincerity of others?
No one knows about the sincerity of others because of his place in the heart and no one knows it except God.
We are commanded to improve ourselves and our intentions and not to discuss the intentions and hearts of others. The person who claims to have committed sincerity means he is not sincere and his sincerity needs to be explained again. Charity which is not based on sincerity or being sincere but contaminated by other intentions is a vain charity by Allah and does not mean the slightest, even the perpetrators will get punishment from it. Oh how harmful.
The one who has spent his wealth, energy, thoughts, time and others will be useless if not pure sincerity, even he will get punishment and regret.
Among the terms of the receipt of the charity is sincere. The lesson about sincerity and intention is a mandatory lesson. May we all know it and be able to realize it in truth so that our charity is accepted by God and not in vain, aamiin.

What's the point of being arrogant?

Many are anxious because worry, worried, anxious. The past comes to mind and continues to create feelings of annoyance, resentment, anger. "If only first .." "He should .." "Why me?", annoyed, angry, do not want to accept. The future is also thoughtfully worried as if our mind can change something
"If this is how ... then what is my fate?" Dizzy, uneasy resent.
Yet all from God and all return to God, Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. Which we can not change, which makes hurt forgive it. Do not hurts yourself by saving sad, angry, hurt.
Do not forgive the sign that we feel prestige saving the past unsuspecting signs we are not ridho Forgetting that His favor is more than His disaster That His love is greater than His test.

Too cocky to acknowledge His gift. Too cocky to accept all his provisions. Too proud to hold on to His promise. Too proud to want to pray and surrender to Him.
Be a human being in case of disaster, Say Inalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun all from God, all return to God. Why should you be upset and angry when everything comes from the Supreme Love?
All belongs to God, so return it if Allah wants to take it. All events are created by the Great,
No need to compare, let alone complain. Just be grateful for everything, for indeed all are gifts
Pray, ask for patience and gratitude because that takes also the is rich, the All-Good can give anything
Who wants to see our attitude and heart when the temptation is sent.
Give yourself completely to Him alone hold on to His promise, That every disaster is grateful will be rewarded with gifts that patience will be rewarded with reward without limits, endless.Why be arrogant to Him?


Today I am annoyed, Because there are words that I do not like. But God allow the word to be spoken That means it's important to me maybe God is sending me a mirror because I might have been so
and it's time to repent and change.
There was another time I was upset because what happened was really annoying but the fact is that God allows too meaning I must be natural right? Maybe God is sending me a tester that makes me tougher and know myself as a human being who must receive, enjoy and be grateful.
There's someone I really do not like his  behavior is inappropriate, his words are not good, but in fact God allowed him to be present maybe  God is sending me sparring partner so I'll take another class.

And amazingly the university. Every time I'm finished with one thing I was given another new, more difficult class. Thanks again to the more fierce testers roller coaster really. We are annoyed, upset, angry, all because of what is said, done, and happens, not  in accordance with our wishes. we do not want to happen, but God let it happen known  better what is best, we or God? God is not it? Continue to be smarter than God so? Yes no
God most knows what is best we have to deal with. God also knows best how we should learn being  a creature of His love in His heaven.
So yes .. just enjoy it just follow God to present anyone, whatever
Whether it's a disaster or a gift all the same, all is a test
Trials to keep ducking, Always be His representative, loving all that He presents sometimes loving means limiting and leaving so that they no longer do the next tyrannical.

Kamis, 29 Juni 2017

How stable

This clear tears when seeing a woman who is looking forward to face the challenges and tribulations of his life. When the morning he got up from his bed and put the kettle on for a sick husband on the bed. bathe her weary husband. without all the red tape treat her husband. how patient she is even often were scolded by her husband for a little mistake and pain. like a woman caring for her husband to take care of a child who was unable to do anything but speechless. 

sometimes dripping tears whatsoever she could not stand for archery deck but her husband said that he was still hard and abide by the will of her husband. yes indeed all human hearts and feelings, but she was still aware that the responsibility of a wife was very important. she treats her husband from morning to night without stopping. sometimes falls asleep exhausted on the couch for deck entertain her husband. 

not want to point fingers at her husband, but I try to understand the pain that hit her husband. let's look at the story of men. The man did nyo ot want to harm anyone but sadly it was only able to force her to lie motionless on the bed only for the pain that hit the deck. I know how depressed because the man had to pester his wife and his children. no longer able to find sustenance for food for the family. I know how boring his life for terlantang in bed and can not move anywhere. boredom and stress this is that makes men lost their way and can not control his anger. hence the target or place for spraying.


Ihtihram is very important in our life, Ihtiram means mutual respect or mutual respect to humanity. Mutual respect value is an attitude that every Muslim should possess as a form of Akhlaqul mahmudah.
Islam emphasizes the two dimensions of values ​​that must always be realized, namely the laudable akhlaq and 'aqidah or true faith, both must be in line. The right Aqeedah will bring good morality. A good Akhlaq must be rooted in the true aqidah.
One of the traits that must be manifested in everyday life is mutual respect to fellow human beings by being polite, tawadhu, tasamuh, muru'ah (keeping self-esteem), forgiving, keeping promises, apply 'fair and so on. Notice the words of the Messenger of Allah:
"Verily I am sent to complete the glorious morality" (Narrated by Ahmad and Baihaqi)
In daily life we ​​are required to reveal the superior morality in speech and behavior and even a requirement of perfection faith of a believer, the Prophet said:
"The most perfect believers of faith are those who are the best of morals. And the best of you are the best to his wife. "(Tirmidhi).
Clever people say: "Al-Islam mahjubun bil muslimin" means that Islam is protected by (behavior) of the Muslims.
Many Muslims are less attentive to their behavior, especially in respecting mutual respect to their neighbors, resulting in an impression of the good image of Islam as if Islam does not govern manners.
Price appreciate amid social life, every Muslim has a moral responsibility to defend and realize a good image of Islam by revealing speech, attitude and behavior, how to dress, how to get along, better than anyone else.
Therefore we as Muslims and the next generation of the nation have deservedly named the nature early on.

how to learn? from mistake by Diana Launfenberg

Diana Laufenberg is a teacher who shares a few things she’s learned about how most school’s teach and how most children learn. In the 1930’s, when Diana’s grandmother was in grade school, the purpose of going to class was to get information.  Students got all of their information from teachers and stored it all in their brains. When Diana was in school, information became more readily accessible in the form of encyclopedia’s and textbooks.
At the same time the internet became popular, she started teaching in Kansas. After the first year of teaching, she decided she needed to change her approach to teaching. Instead of she posed a challenge to her students: put on an election for your own community. They took ownership of the challenge, exceeded all expectations, and were able to learn while they created something useful and impactful. As her career progressed she was also witness to how meaningful and authentic students were when they were given a chance to speak freely. The final point she makes is about the culture of failure that exists in school. Students are taught that there is one right answer, a way of thinking abetted by the multiple choice tests at the front of academic assessment. Diana says it doesn’t make sense to tell kids to never be wrong when so much can be learned from failure. Kids need to be allowed to fail, process, and learn from their experiences in school.
Diana wants people to let go of the paradigms of the past. Information is no longer scarce and we should realize that education is not about coming to school to learn facts. It is about the student voice, experiential learning, and embracing failure.

As muslim

Islam and the World of Youth. What is the relationship between Islam and the world of teenagers? Is there a relationship huh? Before we discuss it, how are teenagers in the eyes of Islam and Islam in the eyes of the teenagers themselves?
 Teenagers in the eyes of Islam is like a milestone of success, this is because teenagers are the next generation of Islam. If the generation of adolescents is good and can practice Islam well, then Islam will also be more resilient. But if his teenagers have violated the rules that have been approved by Islam, and morals have been damaged, then Islam will also be easy to collapse and have no strength. Islam in the eyes of teenagers should be a role model and guidance in life, because if adolescents run the Shari'ah of Islam with as it should, then came the younger generation of successive Islamic struggle and God willing permitted by God.
Islam and the world of teenagers have a very close relationship. Islam has regulated all behavior, social ethics, dress ethics, and teenage ethics in the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet. But in this age we meet many adolescents who experience a moral crisis. Muslim but his morality does not reflect Islam at all, Na'udzubillah. They claim Islam, even ID cards are also Islam but berartal, criminal, gambling, promiscuity, and so forth. Therefore, Islam regulate the life of adolescents so as not to fall into disobedience.
Be proud to be teenagers of Islam do not even be inferior with our own religion, or even afraid of being spelled out not slang and not modern. It was a very big mistake. Come on, we're self-interpection, self-evaluation, and of course soon realized if we've gone wrong. Turning back to an emancipated Islam. Do not let you confess Muslims but many of the teachings of Islam you do not even lakuin. Confess Muslims but you even feel inferior with your Muslim status. We can really become a teenager who slang but still syar'i. Teenage slang that does not mean teens whose hair was left wedged pigtail random mess, clothes odd, crashing colors and materials, then not again stereotyped Western lifestyle very freely without rules, slang also not also be measured in terms of appearance, because the Prophet himself taught us to live simply, but Islamic youth slang it is teenagers who can be successful afterlife. Pleased if the world is successful, and hereafter success. Although still teenagers we should be able to maintain our behavior and avoid actions that can plunge into disobedience and many closer to God.

Rabu, 28 Juni 2017

Keep taqwa after ramadhan

Allah Ta'ala says (which means), "O you who believe, fear Allah in truth to fear Him; And let not you die but in a state of Islam. "(Surah Ali Imran [3]: 102)

The meaning of this verse, according to Ibn Mas'ud 'may Allaah' anhu, "Allah is obeyed, not maksiaksi; God is always remembered, not forgotten; God's favor is grateful, not dikufuri. "(Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Azhim, 2: 388-389)

That is, if during Ramadan we always feel close to Allah Ta'ala because we are densely worship: obligatory prayer, shaum, taraweh prayer, recitations of the Quran and other good deeds, then after Ramadan, we must be closer to Allah Ta'ala . The more piety. Weight is, but we must live.

We need to be alert after this Ramadan. The point is still intent for the good for our fasting fruits bear fruit. Based on the information I got on the website rumaysho.com quoting the opinion of salaf scholars, "Who fasted in the month of Ramadan and plucked in his heart, later bakda Ramadan after no fast again, he was determined not to berpaksiat on God, then he will go to heaven without Problem, without being reckoned. But who fasts in the month of Ramadan and he plays in his heart bakda Ramadan after not fasting again, he will berpaksiat on God, then the fasting is rejected. "(Lathaif Al-Ma'arif, p 390)

It's really delicious if our fasting imprints on our behavior. Imprint in our worship, imprint in the practice of the Shariah of Allah and His Messenger. Inshallah we become true champion after Idul Fihtri, more piety after Ramadan. It means that Ramadan really has become a place of forging to train our patience, our gratitude, our faith, and the belief in Allah's forgiveness if we will repent for all sins.

During this Ramadan we are accustomed to living regularly and have a high enough fear to Allah Ta'ala We are willing to restrain not to eat and drink in the daytime simply because we are obedient to Allah Ta'ala and keep our fast to not cancel. How we willingly desperately istiqomah in carrying out this command of God. Masha Allah.

Day and night so vigorously worship as if tomorrow death pick us up. Splendor of taraweh prayers in congregation provides a high atmosphere of togetherness, recitations of the Quran echoed great from our mouths. Juz for the sake of our juz pass through with passion and sincerity so that when Ramadan is over, al-Quran khatam read. May our deeds be accepted by Allah Ta'ala. Work hard to worship day and night may increase the value of our piety in the days to his place. Do not let our worship is diligent and obedient to run the command of Allah Ta'ala only occurs in the month of Ramadan alone.

That is why, so we can still run worship outside of Ramadan and the stronger our piety, it would not hurt us to create the same atmosphere with Ramadan. So that we always feel close to Allah Ta'ala and avoid from sin. You've heard of Opick's song titled Tombo Ati? The contents must be we know by heart, there are five heart medicine things. First, reading the Qur'an (pervading the meaning to enlighten reason and soul). Second, night prayer (in order to achieve the discipline of righteous people). Third, hang out with the righteous (to get knowledge and advice). Fourth, shiyam, ie fasting (so our hunger bear fruit conscious). Fifth, dizkir night (get used to dhikr at night when many humans sleep in sleep).

Well, hopefully this can make us always cultivate piety even though Ramadan has passed us. That is, there is a result so, you know. Shaum Ramadan fruition, not just get hungry and thirsty.

There is a good qudsiy hadith to motivate us to be always close to Allah Ta'ala to attain the piety to Him: "If a slave come near to me in an inch, I will approach him a cubit; If he approached me a cubit, I would approach him as soon as possible; If he comes to me by walking, I will approach him by running "(Sahih Bukhari, XI / 199)

Yuk keep fighting because our struggle will continue for the life still contained body (especially struggle against lust to not do immoral and struggle to love worship). So, multiply worship, obedience to Allah in the implementation of the Shari'a, enterprising preaching and of course willing to sacrifice for the struggle of da'wah and uphold Islam on this earth. Keep the spirit and istiqomah!

Keep istiqomah

Friend of the struggle in resisting the temptation of the passions of doing immoral acts and strive hard to love worship is not a mild struggle. Weight. It even feels heavier for most of the Muslims. That is why, it needs strong belief in Allah's help and constantly draws closer to Him to expect His mercy and forgiveness.

Oya, as Muslims of course our obligations are many. That is why, it takes a istiqomah attitude to carry out the many obligations that Allah has imposed on us. Of course, in order for us to be enthusiastic and consistent in carrying out our obligations. Just to know aja yes, istiqomah it means continue commitment to the truth of Islam and continue to worship. Weight? Of course.

Oya, in addition to the weight to possess, istiqomah attitude makes a Muslim viewed by other Muslims as someone who is worthy of admiration. Ibn Mubarok recounts from Bakkar bin 'Abdillah, he said that he heard Wahb bin Munabbih say, there is an expert passing before the other worshipers. He replied, "I am so amazed at the fulan, he is so diligent in worship that he leaves his world." Wahb bin Munabbih immediately said, "No need to be amazed at the person who left the world like that. Indeed I am more amazed at those who can istiqomah. "(Hilyatul Auliya ', 4: 51)

The reward for the istiqomah is also great, my friend. Allah Ta'ala promises heaven. As his word (which means), "Verily those who say: Our Lord is God" then they confirm their stance, then the angels will come down to them by saying: "Do not be afraid and do not be sad; And delight them with the jannah that God has promised you. "(QS Fushshilat [41]: 30)

Be grateful

Sometimes people when misfortune, always fall down like losing everything. if fall ill, certainly complain all the time. screaming in pain. anger here and there. The man knew just point fingers at God. "Oh God, why did you give up this allegation? Why did you make me like this, after a day and night I bow to You, O Lord, why do you give me trouble? why? Why did I Ya Divine?" that's what they always moan. just as I was often override the pain and guesswork. 

at one point, I heard a lecture on TV telling us about thankfull. he said, "why do not you grateful for what you have? He is just a little test for us to get closer to Him. Why should we complain? we should be thankful that God still favor eyes to see his creation, had sore feet, God still give nice meal and hands to do good. what more do you want, O man? "simple words such snapping heart and feelings. berlenang tears fall to the ground. 

When I reflect on myself, I was able to eat, talk, see, just the body's pain makes me difficult to move and move. what else do I want. said he, too, had once been friends for such prayer, "O God, put me in a little company, AMEN". then I thought, what is meant by tue prayer, I kept waiting for answers from the speakers, and then he said that a group of people who are grateful. difficult for many people to be grateful for what he has. Can any new rewards and benefits.

Sometimes  I wondered, did I use this on my family? dah He can not want keje, engrossed illness only. I think the bigger sometimes this I'm getting ails parents. by briskly friends find sustenance but I just sit solitude, until one when I questioned him with questions that reflect berbagai2 thankful that I got, and I cried, because I was afraid if I did not get into those little. sad sad change. 

Friends, use your health a favor to continue preaching and struggling to find a halal sustenance. Grateful for what we get.

National and international efforts

But while there's been tremendous growth in our understanding of happiness, there's still a lot of work to do in order to facilitate greater levels of individual and collective happiness: the latter has remained constant over the past half-century. The amount that has been learnt in the past few decades has turned the topic on its head, but we have still not reached a consensus on the subjects and more importantly  on how we can use this knowledge for the greatest good. We need to redouble our efforts to explore how our national and international institutions can facilitate happiness.
However, as Barry Schwartz noted, these relationships are complex and there are a number of possible contradictions and alignments that need further study. How does the goal of increased happiness interact with desires for equality, economic growth and environmental sustainability? Is there an 'optimum point' where we are able to meet the fundamental needs of all, without moving through to unsustainable material consumption that brings its own set of problems? Happiness is becoming an issue at an international level, particularly in light of its relationship with sustainability; a high level UN level meeting took place in April 2012 on 'Happiness & Wellbeing: Defining an new economic paradigm' the outcome of which was fed into the Rio+20 summit of international leaders. The relationship between absolute and relative happiness and the limitations of measuring subjective well-being are being tackled by some governments already, but will be an ongoing task.
As reflected in this call for a new economic paradigm, the interest in happiness is closely bound to our other national and international goals. In light of our ongoing global economic difficulties there seem to be two opposing schools of thought. For some it has sparked a desire for greater meaning, a different way of doing things, as existing systems and processes fail us. For others the desire to focus on tackling unemployment, increasing GDP and reducing government deficits pushes happiness further down the agenda. The success of one side or the other will be tied up with whether we return to normal, or whether a 'new normal' emerges.

Selasa, 27 Juni 2017

my hobby

          Talking about hobbies, which is an activity that people love to do and when someone does that there is happiness. No exception to me, I have some hobby that I think can make me happy or just feel satisfied when doing it. It's like cooking, writing and watching. This time I will tell a bit about my cooking hobby. Perhaps for some people cooking is not an extraordinary thing that can be used as a hobby. But in my opinion, there is happiness when I cook even that is one way I eliminate feeling tired. Why can? At first glance looks strange, because people usually choose to rest or sleep when tired of cooking because it will make people drain and add a sense of tiredness. But I did not feel that at all, when I was cooking I was able to experiment and make use of simple ingredients into food that could be eaten, and that made me feel my own satisfaction. Actually, initially i could not cook at all, when i was senior high schooo i watched one of the tv shows about teenagers my age very good at cooking. There I am comparing myself to him, and I feel I can not yet, when we are the same age. From where I try to cook, and my first cooking dish is fried rice that tastes very chaotic. First I gave up and decided not to want to learn cooking again because I think I'm still small and there is still a mama who can cook. But, different things happen. My dad came and tasted my cooking and said "if you learn to cook fried rice again it will taste better" even though the word dad is so simple but it makes me eager to change my mistake in cooking. Until finally I can cook though not yet as good as the others, but at least I can replace my mom when not at home.


         Like the nights before, I could not sleep again tonight. I do not know what's wrong with my body I'm supposed to be doing such a piling job. But unfortunately my laziness is greater than my desire to complete the task. So instead I did some things just to kill time or to wait until my drowsiness came. I started insom since becoming a student, but when I was a high school student I always sleep at 10 pm. Early on my return to my home I always slept early, but over time my insom relapsed too. In fact, I've only slept at four-thirty in the morning. Especially now that the month of fasting, I was like an alarm that always woke people home for sahur. I know this is not healthy, but I also can not sleep just like that. Because I am not sleepy. Once I was forced to sleep, as a result I just rolled around for two hours.
I do not know how long I'm like this. Though the time for skin rejuvenation was from 9 pm-1 am. If it's like this, I would not be surprised if my skin is wrinkled when I just stepped 30 years early.
Perhaps in addition to being an alarm, I can also serve as a guardian to the house or security. How lucky my family is.
I'm not not sleepy, it's just that even though I lie still will not fall asleep. In conclusion, sleepy but unable to sleep. There is one thing that makes me wonder, I'm always sleepy and can sleep if close to Mama. Or I would really fall asleep in the morning or during the day. Because when the night comes, my sleep will evaporate.
Of course I had to change my sleep patterns. It's just that I do not know how.

Terry moore

           Terry moore tells about the question of why the letter X represents the unknown. Such as "the X prize" "the X files" "project X" "TEDx". In 2006 he decided to study Arabic. According to him Arabic is a very logical language. According to terry moore writing Arabic like assembling an equation, because each part is very precise and carries a lot of information. He first explains the origin of the word algebra, which comes from the word al-jebr, and al-jebr is roughly translated into "a system for matching different parts". Al-jerb finally came to England as algebra. In the 11th and 12th centuries, Arabic manuscripts containing mathematical policies to Europe were Spanish. By the time the text arrived, there was an extraordinary interest to translate the Arabic into the European language. but there is one problem that emerged at that time, that there is some noise in the Arabic language which is difficult to be pronounced by the Europeans without much practice. For example the letters "Shin", like the word shalan meaning "something". Which became the problem of medieval spanish scholars in charge of translating the language is the word sheen and shalan that can not be changed into Spanish. Because spanish does not have the SH. But they make sosuli lend CK sounds from classical greek in the form of Chi letters. After changing it, this material forms the basis of mathematical textbooks for nearly 600 years. Now we have an answer to the question why X becomes the unknown. The answer is, X becomes the unknown because we can not say "sh" in spanish.

Shaolan hsueh

          Shaolan hsueh is great in taiwan as the daughter of a calligrapher. He taught about how easy it is to learn Chinese characters that are so famous that they are hard to learn. But he has a quick way for us to understand Chinese. At the age of five, he studied every scratch of the script in the correct sequence that continued for fifteen years. But this time he taught 8 letters, from the script is enough to help us to read traffic signs, restaurant menus, and understand the main idea on the internet or newspaper pages. First, he taught about the characters of the mouth, people, fire, trees, mountains, sun, moon, and door, and he also showed pictures of the form of the script. After mentioning the eight letters, he describes to make many other characters. Such as the translation of the script of a person into several characters, for example follow, crowd, and big. Then tree alphabet, which is translated into woods, foundation, and idiot. Up to the 8 alpha characters mentioned earlier. Of the 8 letters that teach really help us to understand the language.

Sabtu, 24 Juni 2017

Then and now

         Tonight is the night of Eid, where takbir reverberates and everyone greets with joy. Although there are actually feelings of sadness because Ramadan has passed. When I heard the takbir, I remembered my childhood, where the night of Eid is a night so happy, tradition like burning candles, fireworks and fireworks only done on that night. First, me and all santri in pesantren join in takbiran parade to welcome Eid. We went around the village with a torch made of bamboo and takbiran, after tired we usually share a pack of noodles and eat it together at the pesantren location. Such a time will not happen again, even though we used to celebrate takbiran night simply but it all feels good. Now very different, the meaning of the evening takbiran has been greatly reduced, where no more small children who go around the village to takbiran, even they prefer to neglect with hp or around the motor. As well as with silaturrahmi, which we used to go around to the neighbors and now other places such as cafes are more interesting to come in compared to the home of teachers or relatives. Sometimes want to feel back to the past, where the sense of togetherness is so strong and the only activity that I do just to play with a piece of cookware. All seem different now and all we can do is try to restore the old habits starting from ourselves.
Regardless of the difference first and now, Eid fitri remains a thing in waiting by all Muslims in the world.
Happy idul fitri to all of muslim friends.

Jumat, 23 Juni 2017

part of life

        Today is a day that I think is a bit strange, because there are people who ask me about "how to be confident". So early when I was a master of ceremonies (MC) in one of the offices in my area, as usual I brought the show with my own style, and after the event there was someone who asked how I could perform casually in front of the crowd Even many I do not know. At first I was surprised when asked such a thing because honestly I was a person who quickly panicked and least confident. Okay, let me tell you a bit of my experience in the field of MC which he said without nervous. The first time I became an MC in my yard, only a small event, at that time the real MC was not present and I do not know for sure why. All the committee began to panic because the show will start 5 minutes later, after trying to find a replacement suddenly my teacher appointed me to become an MC, initially I refused because I had never been a MC before, but after my teacher forced and I had to succumb so I Take the courage to stand in front of the crowd with no experience at all. That day could be said to be an embarrassing day for me because of my nervousness so much I am wrong in reading the text. Many people are laughing at that time but I have to finish it. However, the thing that makes me sad is not the laughing of the people but I overheard some people belittling me with their quite painful words. From there I determined to fix all the errors that day. As time goes on I continue to learn how to be a good MC and until now MC has become part of my life. Until one night I was shown to be the inauguration of one of the organizations. I and my colleagues managed to bring the event as expected, and the thing that made me happier was when I was appointed to be the main MC at MTQ XXXII Aceh last year. There I can prove that I can be better for people who have underestimated me.From that incident I understand that what makes us able is not just because of hard work but because we love what we do.

the linguistic genius of babies

The linguistic genius of babies
by Patricia Kuhl
          Patricia Kuhl discusses the genius of a baby or what actually happens inside a baby's little brain. He gave an example of a mother who is from India and who speaks Koro which is a newly discovered language. To preserve the language koro then he recites to the baby. Because a study shows that babies and children have a strong capability compared with adults until they are seven years old, and then experience a systematic decline. After puberty, we are not in the picture anymore.
The first critical period in development is the period where babies master which sound is used in their language. For example, the English “l” and “r” sound is rarely used in Japanese. All babies from all over the world can discriminate all sounds of any language while adults can only discriminate only sounds of their own language and not of other language. Hence, Patricia Kuhl calls adults “culture bound listeners” while babies are “citizens of the world”. For this reason, it is more difficult for an adult to learn new language because they are only able to discriminate sounds of the language they already know.
            A study on American and Japanese babies show that there is a critical 2 month period around 8 to 10 months babies. At 6 till 8 months both American and Japanese babies have similar score on performance on English sounds but when they are 10 till 12 months the American babies perform better and the Japanese babies perform worse. She claims that babies are listening intently to sounds while taking “statistics” on the sounds of the language they hear. They will then use these statistics of sounds as a model to learn a language. A follow up study shows that bilingual babies, who are exposed to 2 languages, keep 2 sets of statistics at once and can differentiate between them. The study tested Taiwanese and American babies on mandarin sounds and found similar results as in the previous study. They had similar score at 6 till 8 months but the Taiwanese babies perform better than American babies at 10 till 12 months. However when they had American babies exposed to mandarin they performed just as well as Taiwanese babies in the mandarin sound test at 10 till 12 months. This proves that babies are learning sounds rapidly at this critical period. Parents should expose their children consistently to different languages at this critical period around 8 till 10 months so the children can learn languages at more ease.
In the end she introduces the MEG. It is a new machine that allows provides the ability to examine babies’ brains while they are learning. It is a safe, non-evasive and silent machine so it is ideal as using it to track a baby’s brain. This new technology opens up the possibility of future research direction for early language and brain development.

how to make stress your friend

 How to make stress your friend 
by Kelly Mc Genial

Kelly Mc genial is a health psychologist, and her mission is to help people become happier and healthier. He is fighting stress problems that occur in people, stress increases all risks, ranging from common cold to cardiovascular disease. A study looked at 30,000 adults in the United States for 8 years, and they started by asking questions like "how often do you experience stress during the past year?" And "do you believe that stress is harmful to your health?". The bad thing that happens to people who are experiencing stress the last year is the risk of death increased by 43 percent. But it only happens to people who believe that stress is harmful to their health.
Researchers estimate that in more than eight years they observed death registration, 182,000 people in the United States died faster not because of stress, but because of the belief that stress was harmful to them. That means more than 20,000 deaths per year. Top cause of death (U.S) said that stress was ranked 15th cause of death in the US last year, killing more people than skin cancer, HIV / AIDS, and murder.
           A Harvard University study suggests looking at stress reactions as something useful, because it can make a person less restless and more confident. Not only that, it can also affect physically, as blood vessels remain relaxed, the heart remains pounding but this is a much healthier cardiovascular profile, and it is the same as when someone is feeling joy and courage.
Aspects of stress reactions are less appreciated, namely, stress makes a person socialize. This is caused by the hormone oxytocin, the nerves. This hormone improves the social instinct in the brain and triggers a person to strengthen the relationship. Oxytocin makes a person need physical contact with friends and family. This hormone also increases empathy that makes a person more willing to help and support those who are loved.
Then results of stress are changed by your mindset. When you think of stress as a benefit it acts that way, when you help others, you build resilience to stress. When given a choice between a stressful job and one that is less stressful, she recommends that we follow the one that gives you the most meaning, and trust yourself to handle the stress that results.